Total war warhammer 2 aversion
Total war warhammer 2 aversion

total war warhammer 2 aversion total war warhammer 2 aversion

Yes and that is the problem, Ordertide happens because the AI cheats the Dwarves and Empire gets as well their army composition just lets then reach a critical mass that nobody can oppose then.ĬA instead of actually balancing then so cheat scale in a way the AI cannot pull 3 armies out of their ass or have a massive cheat economy apparently decided to up the costs so the AI gets less armies but everyone gets less armies as a result ultimately changing nothing because they still have their strong armies and strong economies and will "only" field 7 armies instead of 10, it would only have a effect if they are hit by several factions at once and they arent really. I know you can take Oberon Camp that can be tricky (because of the Skaven down there) but that been a separate settlement since ever and its not the same as trying to take Avalon capital.Īlso I think you just got fucked because of TW:W shitty diplomacy system, you do get absurd crap like Skaven inviting Dwarves to join their war, the Beastman when spawned should had 0 diplomatic relationships with aversion and all that not being weighted, that means the HE were more likely to accept their proposals but then again, how were they aware of the HE to begin? its the downright AI cheats that fuck the player over when it comes to diplomacy since if you havent meet a faction then you cannot engage in diplomacy but a newly spawn faction 2 turns in invites factions they could not have contact with to join a war? the fuck? I hate when games downright cheat as much because this means the AI is always aware of all other factions because they pull shit like that, I can understand to a point roaming armies since they are mercenaries and everyone should be aware of then (even if I think they taking settlements is BS) but something like a quest army spawning in and having full access to diplomacy? No, shouldnt happen. The changes they made kinda do push the WE out into the world because of the World Tree and Magical Forests without making you piss everyone in that area being pissed off, even if I think in some cases it can be a problem since Gaen Vale is one of then, not sure how that been implemented. Yes but you have to find then first, granted if you work with Karl that ends up being easy as you can follow with the rest of the Ordertide but that just makes it for a boring campain and that is if Karl survives, he can be wiped.

Total war warhammer 2 aversion